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Last Updated:
3/12/2025 11:54 AM
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Foster Request/Agreement

Thank your your generous offer to foster homeless animals.  Fostering, however, requires an incredible amount of commitment, so please read the topics below before completing the Foster Request/Agreement Form.


1- There are no time limits to our foster animals.  Some foster animals are adopted by permanent homes within a week, others may take months. 

2- There are no guarantees as to temperament or behavior with the animals.  ARF strives to only take in animals that show promise in rewarding companionship, however adequate evaluation takes more than a couple of days.

3- ARF is not responsible for injuries or damage incurred by any animal in its care.

4- ARF will be responsible for insuring the animal is healthy and up to date with its vaccinations and preventatives.  If an emergency arises, another ARF volunteer must be contacted before treatment can commence.

5- ARF can provide food, treats, collar/leash, and toys upon request, but it is a benefit to the organization if the foster family offers to provide some or all of these basic care supplies.

6- Housebreaking and basic obedience training are often tasks expected of Fosterers.

7- Fosterers are expected to insure that their animal(s) are present at public adoption days at designated times.  It is helpful to have the Fosterer present during the adoption hours, as that is the person who can give the best information about the animal's personality to prospective adopters.  However, dropping off/picking up the animal is also permitted.

8- ARF reserves the right to end the fostership at any time.

9- ARF administrators and application evaluators act as liaisons between adopters and animals.  Though the Fosterer is often consulted about possible adoptions, it is the ultimate decision of the ARF administrators and/or the assigned application reviewer to finalize the adoption.

10- Though, ARF strives to place all animals in appropriate homes, there are times when an animal's personality or health may prevent it from finding ANY home.  In this rare circumstance it will be the administrators' decision as to the fate of that animal in question.


If after reading the topics above - and they don't cover ALL circumstances - you would still seriously like to be considered for fostership, please continue to the form...


NOTE:  You may be prompted to update your Website Contact Information before accessing the actual Application.  Simply click the UPDATE INFO button to continue if there are no changes.  Thank you.