Last Updated: 3/3/2025 12:57 PM
© 2025 ARF
If you have adopted an animal and would like to let us know how he or she is doing in their new home, please sign in. We all love to hear how our fosters are doing in their new homes.
Message From: elaine
April 29, 2022
I just wanted to give you an update on my baby, Possum.
He is doing great!! He still has heart worms, but we're hoping that will be done soon.
He is a love bug. He loves neck scratches and his treats. He is always waiting for me when I get home from work-he is up and ready for Mommy to give him some attention and hugs. He is the sweetist most gentle guy, and we just love him to the moon and back! Thank you again for saving this precious guy. You are an awesome Rescue!! All our thanks, Elaine, Ed and Possum
Message From: elaine
October 22, 2021
I just wanted to thank you again for all you did for Possum. He is precious and doing GREAT!! He had his Vet visit, and the Dr. said his heart sounds very good. Thank you too for the Heartworm medicine, I got it yesterday. You are a wonderful asset to your community. Keep up the good work, Elaine, Ed & Possum!!!
Message From: Chelsea
June 1, 2019
My family adopted megabyte and renamed him Gizmo. We've had him a few weeks now. He has settled into his new home quite nicely. Our 7yr old puggle loves him, they get along so well. We love Gizmo so much, he has a great personality.
Message From: The Wood Family
May 2, 2019
Our sweet boy Stratus was adopted 2009 has passed on to the Rainbow bridge. We are broken.... Thank you for giving us the most perfect handsome loving loyal companion. RIP Stratus ❤️
Message From: The Wood Family
May 2, 2019
Our sweet boy Stratus was adopted 2009 has passed on to the Rainbow bridge. We are broken.... Thank you for giving us the most perfect handsome loving loyal companion. RIP Stratus ❤️
Message From: Alfunzo and Teresa Clark
April 30, 2019
Mocha, the Rottie/Beagle mix, was adopted by us adopted at 5 months 14+ years ago. She lives in SC with us now and is content guarding the house, walking the perimeter of the yard where she wore a track, looking out window during the day and chasing squirrels on her good days. She is our happy, spoiled and content furbaby!
Message From: Tabitha
January 4, 2019
I adopted "Kiwi" (now Nikki) over ten years ago. I'm happy to report that she's doing phenomenally, and still acts like a puppy all these years later! She saved my life two years after adoption when I was attacked by a coyote in the middle of the day. We're best of friends and I dread the day when I'll be forced to part with her. She's the most wonderful dog I've ever had the privilege of meeting, and she'll forever hold a special place in my heart.
Message From: James Sylvia
November 10, 2018
On 11/03/18 we came in inquiring about a dog, to our surprise Paisley aka Lindy was there waiting on us. From the first look my daughter and I felt she was our dog! A week later she has adapted well with our family and seems to get along with other animals and even children. She does tricks we didn’t even realize she could do. We are pleased with our experience with ARF and want to thank all involved.
Message From: Pat & Tracey Wilkinson
September 14, 2017
Lost our 13 y/o yorkie poo few months back. We've been lost with out him. Came across your website and found Mazy. What a precious void filler. ♡ She has filled our hearts with such joy already. Thank you for all you do for these animals and your guidance and care through the years with our Angel Tidbit, from beginning to the end.
Message From: jessica
February 20, 2017
I'm sad to say, after 8 years i Have lost Max the Corgi to Hemangio sarcoma. He left us on 2/1/17, We had 8 wonderful years together. We adopted him in jan of 2009
Message From: Robin
June 23, 2016
I have volunteered twice. These people are lovely and know a lot about how to handle both dogs and cats. They are wonderful and helpful people. I am happy to be putting my time into this organization. I also adopted Ms. Slate from them and she's a happy and healthy kitty. : >
Message From: Scott
February 20, 2016
we adopted Smokey from Hughesville animal shelter and he is just an over grown baby
Message From: jessica
December 11, 2015
i adopted Max, the corgi in 2009
He is doing fine and enjoying the weather here in Maine. He is in fine health for being 11 yo.
Message From: chris gill
December 28, 2014
Snow is settling in with us in our home. She is sweet as her post said. Like our walks and rides in car.
Message From: chris gill
December 28, 2014
Snow is settling in with us in our home. She is sweet as her post said (
Message From: Dawn
April 24, 2014
We adopted Joshua 6/1/13 on my birthday. We renamed him Shiloh, meaning God's gift. He has truly been a gift to our whole family. We would love to send you updated photos. Thank you for all you do!
Message From: Jinjer
September 9, 2013
I adopted sigorney August 24 and renamed him Diego he is the best little guy I could ever imagine we are still training him and he loves to cuddle thankyou so much arf for fostering and taking in animals I also want to thank you for my cat Romeo who I got from you 4 years ago he is a amazing cat thanks so much
Message From: Jinjer
August 26, 2013
Hi I recently adopted sigorney and he Is the most perfect dog he gets along with my dog and my cat actually doesn't know what to think of him so he just follows him I renamed sigorney to Diego and he knows his new name thanks so much arf he is in the best home possible
Message From: Stasy
May 20, 2013
7 years ago my daughter and I traveled 100 miles 1-way to pick up a beautiful calico kitten Tiki who we renamed Kiki. She is the most loving and sweetest "kitten" even today. ARF thank you for fostering and finding homes for so many homeless animals.
Message From: Vicki and Austin
March 9, 2013
We adopted Kendall almost a year ago. Best thing we ever did! While I was hesitant about a puppy she fit right into our lives and we cant imagine life without her. She loves to run and play with the neighbors dogs. Loves to greet and kiss every human she meets. And my 5 year old son is definitely her human. If he is somewhere she is right there. Two peas in a pod. Which is the connection I was truly hoping for when we decided to adopt a dog. I should have know it was there when he walked right up to her cage looked at her and said that's our dog mommy. and she is our dog. Thank you so much for allowing us to take her home.
Message From: Dorsey Family
January 31, 2013
We adopted McCoy (lab/Shepard). He has definitely come out of his shell. He's crazy but is loving the big yard and his new home.
Message From: (Private)
August 11, 2012
Hello ,my daughter and I adopted Napoleon on August 11,2012. He is a puppy,but mature for his age. We have changed his name to Trevor. He is cute furry ball of energy and a great addition to our family.
Message From: Michele Kessler
August 2, 2012
I hope this is the same ARF I adopted my cat from in 1994. Your address on the adoption form was Hopkins MN. I adopted a cat from ARF in 1994. I wanted to let you know that she is well and wise at the age of 18 years. To bad there is not an option to upload a photo. She looks great! She spends most of her time sleeping now.
Message From: Teresa G Clark
May 15, 2012
Mocha, that beautiful rottie/beagle, is living with Alfunzo and Teresa Clark in SC where she has a large fenced yard, is an in-door doggie and loves everyone who comes to visit. She has over 30 toys and takes them out of her basket when she wants to play. Mocha is truly loved and still a hyper, happy girl!
Message From: Teresa G Clark
May 15, 2012
We adoptefd MOCHA, beagle/Rottie 7.5 years ago while living in MD. We now live in SC and Mocha is still the hyper, sweet doggie as the 1st day we adopted her!
Message From: Rebecca Dyson
October 7, 2011
Back in June of this year, my fiance' and I traveled from Chesapeake, VA to MD to adopt a shih-tzu as a companion for our shih-tzu however, upon arriving were told that "Jaxx" had already been adopted. There were many lovely dogs and pups to choose from but somehow "Frank" chose us...he was a "wired" silky terrier that several other families had adopted and returned because he was "too active". We agree that he is definitely active but he's the sweetest little boy and his little Khloe would be sick without him! He completes our family and we're so lucky to have him. He snuggles on the sofa with his "woobie" and loves tummy scratches, long walks and chasing squirrels. Thank You again ARF for everything that you're doing to give these wonderful little gifts forever homes...God Bless You!!
Message From: Kristin Wst
January 30, 2011
2 years ago, my husband and I came to ARF and adopted one of the seven dwarfs...Dopey to be exact! Now known as Chloe Dopey, she is doing fantastic and we couldn't imagine our family without her. She is 75lbs of loving. Chloe kisses are dangerous!!
Message From: Kristin Wst
January 30, 2011
2 years ago, my husband and I came to ARF and adopted one of the seven dwarfs...Dopey to be exact! Now known as Chloe Dopey, she is doing fantastic and we couldn't imagine our family without her. She is 75lbs of loving. Chloe kisses are dangerous!!
Message From: Carol Wood
December 24, 2010
We adopted Stratus (Pitt Bull Mix) a year and 1/2 ago and he is doing wonderfully. He was so shy and scared when we brought him home, but now he is a happy, loving dog. He adores the kids and sleeps beside my 13 yr old at night. Why anyone would want to be afraid to adopt a pitt is beyond me. This is the most loving dog I have ever owned.
Message From: kim
November 17, 2010
We adopted Lily back in May 2004 I believe. She was a shy quiet girl until we found out how crazy she was when she saw a ball. No kickballs or playground balls were safe with her around. She gave us warmth and smiles her entire life. We lost her to a stroke two weeks ago and it still pains me thinking about it. She forever touched our lives in a way only pet lovers can understand. We'll miss our little "piggie girl" Lily. oxoxo
Message From: Alfunzo and Teresa
October 18, 2010
Mocha was adopted almost 6 years ago when we lived in MD. She now enjoys a home in SC with a fenced yard where she chases the squirrels and birds out of the pecan trees. She even has two neighborhood dogs who visit her at the window she “guards” day and night when she is not in the yard playing. Mocha is lovable to anyone she meets and is the joy of our hearts!
Message From: Teresa and Alfunzo Clark
October 18, 2010
We adopted Mocha almost 6 years ago. She is a happy, lovable Rottie/Beagle who enjoys her home which is now in South Carolina. She has a fenced yard, she plays with the squirrels birds in our Pecan trees and she has two neighborhood dogs who visit her at the window she "guards" day and night. THANK YOU for our only "child" and joy of hearts!
Message From: (Private)
September 25, 2010
We adopted Ty and Aby this spring and they are happily shedding all over their new home. They are such sweeties.
Message From: Jennifer and Brian
August 24, 2010
As I write this, I'm flanked by our two babies -- Fergus (originally Sage) whom we adopted in August 2009 and Josie (originally known as Parsley) whom we adopted in October 2009. You might remember that Miss Josie had three kittens at ARF, one of which was Fergus. They are the light of our lives and every day I am so thankful for them. They adore each other and are just fabulous kids. We'll always be grateful to your wonderful volunteers for caring for them and bringing them into our lives.
Message From: Lynne
July 8, 2010
Our family adopted Azure back in May, we renamed her Sasha, she is doing great. She had put on weight and is growing rapidly. She has a best friend Cookie whom she can't stand to be away from. I am greatful that we adopted her from ARF. She is spoiled rotten, they both think they own our bed and cause many nights of hogging everything up. She is a great dog and is loved dearly. Also has a great personality. They are hours of entertainment.
Message From: Carey
June 24, 2010
We adopted Lynn, now named Gracie Lynn, on May 17, 2010. She is a wonderful addition to our family and we are very thankful for ARF for bringing her into our lives. She's growing so fast and becoming a very energetic, loving little girl! We love her so much! Thanks ARF!
Message From: Jason & Beth
June 7, 2010
We adopted Wynonna 3 weeks ago and she is doing just wonderfully. We renamed her Marzi and she is the well-behaved envy of all our friends! She is definately out of her shell and we have rehabilitated the majority of her fearfulness. She has become best friends with our neighboors pit-bull puppy, and we are very nearly ready to declare her house-trained:)
Message From: Lori
May 19, 2010
we just adopted yet another babt from Well Pet Her name is Angel and she is the most adorable and fun puppy :) thank you so much Well Pet for giving these babies there second chances and for loving and taking care of them until they find there forever home :) you guys are the best :)
Message From: Jessica
May 14, 2010
Adopted Max in Jan 2009, I thought you would like an update , He has lost 7 Lbs and is doing great.
Here’s a video too.¤t=MVI_0429.flv
Message From: Cindy
April 28, 2010
My boyfriend & I adopted Blige on Jan. 5, 2008. His new name is Rukus and he lives up to his name along with our 2nd adopted pittie named Rowdy. They bring so much joy to our lives. We just adore them, and love taking them everywhere with us weather it's camping, hiking or boating.
Message From: Amber
December 28, 2009
We adopted Jake (Jet) in September 2009. He has been a great addition to our family. He is almost seven months weighing 45 pounds, and he thinks he is only 5. He is the biggest love, his best friend is his Kitty brother. We are so grateful we were able to adopt him. Thank you ARF!
Message From: jack
December 8, 2009
Message From: Maggie
October 10, 2009
My husband and I adopted Elsie in September of 2008. We've had her over a year now and we couldn't love this dog more. She is the sweetest thing and she is my shadow, follows me everywhere, lol. She's gained so much weight since we got her and now weighs 65lbs. She loves other dogs, children and women especially. The only guy she really loves is her Daddy. Adopting her is the best thing we have ever done. I'm proud to tell people we rescued her. She is the happiest dog and I can't imagine our life without her.
Message From: Kristin
August 30, 2009
My husband and I adopted "Dopey", now Chloe on February 14, 2009. It is hard to believe she is now 8 months old and STILL growing! Her and her older sister Kala get along like typical sisters. They fight over toys and bones, but Kala is VERY...VERY protective of her baby sister! There isn't a day that goes by where she doesn't make us laugh. She has been an amazing adition to our family. Thank you ARF!
Message From: Karen
August 25, 2009
I adopted "shelly" now Roxie on 15 August. She is the best and sweetest cat ever. Even my husband, a confirmed "dog" person loves her.
Message From: Jennifer & Brian O'Sullivan
August 9, 2009
We just had to let you know how deeply we've fallen in love with Fergus (formerly Sage) since bringing him home yesterday. He is an endearing blend of mischievous and cuddly. Thank you so much for bringing us together. We'll send pictures soon.
Message From: Larry Shinn
January 5, 2009
Interested in any of the Akita guys from the website seem affordable and really fair in your process! look forward to meeting you...thanks
Message From: Larry Shinn
January 5, 2009
Hello, found you through petfinder...very interested in one of the akita guys seem really fair, and extremley affordable
Message From: penny
December 17, 2008
Hi everyone we adopted Jewel on Dec. 13 she has been a great part of the family she fits in just great she gets along great with our other dog and as for me she will not leave my side my husband says i now have a permeant shadow named jewel. We couldnt have asked for a better dog to join our family shes not just a dog she is our little baby girl. Thanks to whoever couldnt keep her she has now found her forever home
Message From: Connie
August 6, 2008
We wish to let you know how much joy that when we adopted "Taylor" he has brought to us and all those that have met him. He certainly is enjoying his home on the farm. We thank you for letting us bring him into our home.
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